Starting And Finishing Your Shifts

Your electronic timesheet

MySirenum will always open on the time and attendance screen, which is where you confirm you have started and finished work.

Each day that you are assigned to work is recorded as a shift. If you have any shifts assigned to you, the next available shift to work will be displayed on the app and will detail the following:

  • Time – The working hours you have been assigned

  • Site – The company and address where the assignment is located

  • Notes – Any specific details for this assignment will be shown here if required

  • Map – By Clicking on the Navigate button you will be navigated to the Your Maps app offering directions to the assignment location, with the current travel time for your preferred mode of transport

Confirming your shift

You can confirm that you will be attending work so that Acorn know you are on your way. Just click on CONFIRM and you're all set.

Please be aware this does not confirm you have started work, only that you are attending that shift and you will need to press START once you arrive on site in order to be paid.

Starting your shift

When you arrive at work, Click START and this will register that you have started your shift.

Don’t worry if no shift information is displayed, you can still click on START to confirm that you have arrived for work and FINISH when you have left. Your consultant will then check this with the client and update the details on our database for payroll. This will be the case if you are asked to work additional days as the shift will not have been created in advance.

You will then see a confirmation message to say your shift has started.

Finishing your shift

When you have finished your shift Click FINISH and this will then register you have finished your shift. This will then be uploaded into Acorns database ready for checking prior to payroll.

If you forget to START or FINISH your shift via the app please inform your Acorn consultant as soon as possible as this could affect your pay.

If you are asked to work overtime on a standard shift, do not click on FINISH until your overtime hours have been completed. The system will then record that you worked overtime

Do not clock out when you take a break, as the system will factor this in should your breaks need to be unpaid or paid

As this process is being introduced to replace paper timesheets, it is critical that the app is used consistently in order for pay to be accurate each week. Our clients will eventually only approve those hours generated via the app (unless you don't own a smartphone), so it is essential that you get into the habit of clocking in and out each day that you work.

Last updated