Shifts & Viewing Shifts FAQ's

Q: I can't view my shifts or the CONFIRM button despite having been assigned shifts?

This may be because you may have more than 1 record in Sirenum. This could be a duplicate record in Acorns database. Check which email address you have signed in with and that it matches the one you used when you registered with Acorn. If this is correct please contact your Acorn consultant who will escalate this.

Q: How do I change my shift view to look like a calendar instead of a list view?

Go to the menu, tap settings and tick enable on Default to Calendar view. Select the required start day for your working week if this is not correct and then you're all set.

Viewing Your Shifts

Q: I've been offered an assignment for 3 months, but can only see 1 months worth of shifts in my app, why is this?

Your consultant may only book shifts for you in blocks (4 weeks etc...) as opposed to the full duration of your assignment. This is so that if anything changes in the future it is easier for them to update a small amount of data as opposed to having to change everything. Your assignment details letter confirms the total duration of your assignment and you will be advised if this changes for any reason.

Should you not see shifts for the current week however, please contact your Acorn consultant so that they can ensure everything is set up correctly for you.

The App will not alert you if new shifts within an existing assignment are created for you, but you can view this via the shift option in the menu to see your future shifts.

Last updated